Looking For Dog Daycare? Read This

For people who love cute dogs a little too much but have to balance their professional life too, dog daycare is of great help. The basic idea behind dog daycare is to give the same amount of love and attention to the dogs when their pet parents are not around. If you are always short on time but have a cute little pup anyway, dog daycare is an ultimate lifesaver. You can simply enroll your dog to the best dog daycare Puyallup and can leave him/her there when you are going to work. However, make sure that the daycare that you are selecting is trustable and offers what it promises. This is because there are many dog centers that claim to be the best, but fail to deliver what they promise.


We also understand that finding the right dog daycare center is not an easy job, and that’s why we are here. In this article, we have tried to mention some questions that you should ask before enrolling your little pup in any center. 

1. How are the dogs separated? 

The first thing that you should ask the daycare center is how they separate the dogs. Different centers have their own ways, but mostly, dogs are separated based on their age or size.

2. How many people manage dogs?

Your next question should be about the staff-to-dog ratio so that you can understand whether the center is good or not.

3. How do you handle medical emergencies? 

Being a responsible pet parent, you should ask about how they handle any kind of medical emergencies.

You can take help of the internet to find the best dog daycare center. But, if you are still confused, don’t worry as we have your back. Shaggy Shack Pet Resort & Spa is the center that you should trust as the center works with certified and skilled staff. Besides daycare service, this center also offers the service of dog boarding Puyallup, training, grooming, and agility.

Shaggy Shack Pet Resort & Spa offers its service in locations like JBLM, Lakewood, Yelm, South Hill, Frederickson, Parkland, Orting, Sumner, Bonney Lake and more. If you are interested, you can visit the website of Shaggy Shack Pet Resort & Spa to know about the timings, price, and more.

About Shaggy Shack Pet Resort & Spa:

Shaggy Shack Pet Resort & Spa is a trusted Puyallup dog daycare center that you can trust. 

For more information, visit https://www.shaggyshackpetresort.com/


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